Content Marketing makes use educating or entertaining information to build relationships with consumers. Ideally, this information or content is presented in a storytelling strategy. The storytelling is used to provide the audience with helpful or entertaining information regarding a brand or a product. Thus the relationship between the target group and the brand or product will be established and sustained.
At first, you have to have a content marketing strategy, the question is what is the story to be told to illustrate the goals of your company and who is the audience you would like to approach. Secondly, you asked yourself what content is needed and can be produced to tell the story and to supply the audience with additional benefit? And how can the content contribute to attain your company’s goals, e.g. to sell a product or to raise awareness of your brand and to induce credibility.
Moreover, content marketing includes the production of content and the choice of format for which the content should be produced, i.e. as editorial text, video clip, guidebook or as game and so on. Finally, it has to be deceided which digital communication channels (social media channels etc.) should be used to spread the content and to reach the audience.
Good content will persuade the target group, will establish trust and credibility of a brand and the customers relations towards a brand will be created. The customers will easily return to brand or will buy a product again, because he trusts the brand and the product. Therefore, it is essential that the promise you make and the information you provide regarding a brand or a product conforms with the quality of the products and the brand image.
I am grateful that the New York based content marketing agency Contently has compiled these facts in 2015 that fabulously illustrate the major changes in online advertising:
Standard banner ads on the Internet have a .12 percent click-through rate (CTR). (eMarketer)
Adblocking is growing 41 percent year over year. (PageFair)
56 percent of display ads are never seen by humans—only by robots. (AdAge)
8.2 percent of people cut cable in 2014. (TechCrunch)
86 percent of consumers exhibit banner blindness, unable to recall the last banner ad they saw. (Adotas)
You’re more likely to survive a plane crash or join the Navy SEALs than click on a banner ad. (HubSpot)
Again many thanks to Contently who collected those facts concering the point and necessity of content marketing:
75 percent of marketers generated positive returns from content marketing. (AdAge)
Marketers who publish a blog are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI. (HubSpot)
78 percent of CMOs think custom content is the future of marketing. (Demand Metric)
74 percent of readers trust educational content from brands—as long as it doesn’t push a sale. (Kentico)
Kraft generates the equivalent of 1.1 billion ad impressions a year and a four-times-better ROI through content marketing than through targeted advertising. (AdAge)
77 percent of B2C marketers and 76 percent of B2B marketers say they’ll create more content in 2016. (Content Marketing Institute)
The data speaks for itself: The best marketing strategy to achieve visability and discoverability on the internet is to create valuablable, educating and entertaining content for the target group and to provide it on the internet for the target group. Content establishes transparency, credibility and trust in a brand.
"Consumers are searching for valuable, appealing and relevant content concerning a product or a brand to make their decisions."
– Joe Pulizzi, Gründer des Content Marketing Institute